Thursday, February 17, 2011

APOD 3.4

Colors in Orion

Temperature determines a star's color.  Red stars have a low temperature of about 3,000 K.  Blue stars are much hotter and have a temperature of over 30,000 K.  Our yellow Sun has a temperature of 6,000 K.  In this picture of Orion, several stars of many colors are visible.  It was made of 35 exposures in which the stars were moving left to right through the frame.  The focus was changed in steps.  Ultimately, the stars are shown in a bow-tie shape.  Betelguese is in the upper left of the picture.  It is a bright red star in the constellation.  Betelgeuse is considered a red supergiant.  The Orion Nebula is also visible in the center of the picture in a pinkish color.

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