Sunday, September 12, 2010

APOD 1.1

Comanche Outcrop on Mars Indicates Hospitable Past

I had never imagined Mars to look like this, nor did I ever think I would be able to see such a vivd and incredible picture of this foreign planet.  Because there is no water on Mars, it would be physically impossible for any life on Earth to survive there.  Martian rovers have found evidence that indicates that there may have been water on Mars surface many years ago, but this water was likely too acidic for any Earth life forms.  However, an outcropping on Mars' surface, given the name "Comanche", was recently discovered.  Comanche gives evidence that Mars has not always been so acidic. The outcrop has a very high concentration of magnesium iron carbonate.  Carbonate dissolves in acid, meaning that there is the possibility that less acidic water once flowed through Mars! This means there could have been life on Mars!!!

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